Singspiration Blog
Jan 13, 2021 2022-11-24 4:06Singspiration Blog
Blogs that inspire you to
Where do we sing from?
Where do we sing from? When I ask singers, “where do you sing from?” I typically get 2 answers. The heart, and the diaphragm. Both answers are right, but they’re only partially correct. After all, singing is the sound of your soul! Here’s how we can understand this. For example, read the following statements and ask yourself, which hurts more? “Your basketball shot is lousy” or “Your singing is lousy.” Chances are you can shake off the basketball comment, but hearing …
How to Sing on Pitch – Part 2
OVERCOMING “EMOTIONAL” PITCH ISSUES Click Here to Read Article #1 Now that we have discussed the physical reasons why people sing off pitch, I’d like to address something even more common. The EMOTIONAL ones. If you’ve read my book, “Mind, Soul, Voice: a path to vocal freedom“, or used my Practicing CORE Vocal Power CD, then you’re already aware that your whole instrument is your MIND, SOUL and BODY. If you want to progress as an artist, it’s important …
11 Reasons Why People Sing Off Pitch
Los Angeles Vocal Coach Dot Todman explains why people sing off pitch. …
Mother Sings and Touches Baby’s CORE
This Truly brought tears to my eyes. If you reflect on how you feel watching this, and the tips found here, this video can help you become a more empowered singer. In the meantime If you’d like to learn more about what type of singing mode you naturally fall into, click here to take the quiz! And if you want to see my latest music video, featuring babies, puppies and profound layers of CORE symbolism, click here! …
Access Vulnerability from an Empowered Place
Most singers may want to expand their vocal range, bridge the gap from chest to head, stabilize their larynx and sing with supported, natural power, but what’s important to remember is that none of these things can show up in their voice unless the conditions within them are favorable. In other words, no matter how capable and coordinated your vocal cords are, you’re not going to be able to show the confidence and power you want on the outside, unless …
CORE Building Exercise for Singers!
Singers! Here is one of my biggest vocal training secrets for singing success that I have been using to keep my singers in shape for over three years! It’s the hula hoop, and recently 64 year old Grace Jones displayed exactly what I’m talking about live in concert. Using the hula hoop, you can burn up to 100 calories in only 8 minutes and on top of that, you’re gaining other very important benefits as a singer. In 2008, after …
The Most Important Practice Element Most Singers Overlook: Resonating
Learn the most effective way to balance your voice and build power, presence and stamina …
Three Things Every Empowered Performer Must Do
Many singers fall into the trap of being concerned with how perfect their voice sounds. They wonder if they have enough vibrato, if they’re breathing properly, and if they can make people feel something when they sing. While these things may be important, if you’re worrying about them when you perform, then you haven’t done your homework correctly, and there’s a slim chance you will reach your performance goals. I tell my students often, “It’s not always about what you …
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